With their second work, RONDE NOE (CNI Music 1998), Nidi D'Arac weds traditional Italian sounds to the electric sound of Italian dance clubs. Sweet woodwinds and strings wrap themselves around breakbeats and didjeridoo like long lost family, and the bass frequencies here are low and spine-shaking. Ronde Noe is an album full of sophistication and warmth, and Nidi D'Arac get stranger and creepier sounding as their vision unveils itself over the course of the CD.

“Folk purists may shrug their shoulders in dismay, but Coppola never obscures the past; Coppola's gorgeous voice soothes and strokes Nidi D'Arac across the pastoral rural/pulsing urban influences that abound here, making Ronde Noe a bold statement of neotribal roots music. – Nidi D'Arac is the sound of a revolution in Italian music”.  Rootsworld